Saturday, November 26, 2011

Project Life Week 46

Hello! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I know I am a very days late, but I wanted to share my photos from Week 46! 

I will be linking up here:

1. Sunday`
My in-laws, Oma and Opa, were out of town at a dog show so we stopped to hang out with Bella, the outdoor non-dog-show type of dog Smile 


2. Monday
Little Man wasn’t feeling his best which might he fell asleep in the car at 10am!!! 

We also had a photo shoot.

3. Tuesday
We went to Yo Gabba Gabba Live! It was so awesome until grumpy pants decided to hit us (again not himself), but overall I know we all had a blast at the show. 


4. Wednesday
Making our FAVORITE treat- no bake energy bites! Yum! 


5. Thursday
Mat up with my friend at a beautiful park. 


6. Friday
I was able to go the movies with my friend, Rachael. We saw Breaking Dawn!!! It was just wanted this mommy needed!!


7. Saturday
One of my good friends in playgroup was moving away. It was very sad, but I threw a going away party. Everyone had so much fun even though I couldn’t help, but cry as she was leaving. 

Here is my son and her son. My son wanted to help give him a buggy ride, but he didn’t like that! 

Thanks for stopping by!! Come back later for Scavenger Hunt Sunday!!

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