Good evening!! I hope everyone had a wonderful day and I appreciate you taking the time to stop by here!
I will be linking up my photos with these blogs:
May 1st ---> We had another amazing trip to Oma and Opa’s house. My son was roaming all the place with his vroom vroom car in between checking out what Daddy and Opa were working on. He also loved helping Oma water the plants and taking care of the two dogs. I got to relax a little and snap all kinds of pictures!
May 2nd ---> My friend and her son came over since both of our husbands were working. She has a professional camera so she took some AMAZING shots of the boys playing with squirt bottles!!
May 3rd ---> We spent a beautiful morning at the park with our playgroup. My friend, Kristin, is very tall so she kindly helped Captain with the monkey bars. He loved it! And he was so good at it; he did the bars all by himself and just need Kristin to hold him up! I snapped a picture of my and her daughter during this time.
May 4th ---> This is what happens when a certain 2 year old goes outside in his socks. He has no fear about walking and roaming in the dirt and grass!
May 5th ---> I hosted a fabulous and fun-filled playgroup at our house. We are fortunate to have a big backyard and misters to keep us cool so that was the Moms favorite part (we have 3 Moms in our group expecting their 2nd). The kids LOVED all the toys, the sandbox, the cottage and the squirters. This is my son and one of his friends Mr. B taking a snack break in the cottage.
May 6th ---> My son saw a teenage ride by on a skateboard and was so fascinated. I then asked my husband to show him to use one. We then spent the evening in the backyard hanging out, killing black widows and throwing lemons.
May 7th ---> NATIONAL SCRAPBOOKING DAY!!! I got out all the projects I wanted to attempt to start or complete the night before so I was READY! My husband was kind enough to let my scrap most of the day! (It did help that his friend was coming into the town so they got to go out at night
) This is my little dude and I sorting pictures in my LOM category drawers.
Loving these!! Looks like you had a fab week!! :):):):):):):):):):):):):):):):)
How fun. Looks like a great week. Play group sounds like a blast at your house!
I love seeing all your family photos! They are great! I love that picture of the socks! lol! Priceless!
What a fun week! I'm hosting a 365 challenge with a couple of gals over at Inspire Me Photography, we'd love to have you link up :)
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