Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

First off excuse the mess of my blog, I am redesigning it, adding pages and adding different list of blogs I follow. My pages will be About Me, Project Life Pages, SNR publications w-links and Digital Scrapbooking. My blog lists will be different since my interests have changed. I will (hopefully) make blog lists for Project Life, Mommy blogs, Organizing and Digital Scrapbooking.
Second off excuse the lack of a Project Life post this week. I hope to have it up tonight, but I am not sure. Life happened in the form of my son’s fracturing his leg!!! Yes, shocking!! He woke up on Monday and COULD NOT walk!! It was so scary considering my son never stops moving and prefers to jump, hop or climb to get around.
We learned today that my son will need a leg cast until the day before his 3rd birthday. I didn’t exactly hold it together emotionally, but what can I say, I hate that my son has to have this on. Its heartbreaking! We spend most of our week outside, in the backyard or at a park. Now, I am not sure what my son will be up to. Time will tell. For now here are some pictures taken through Instagram.

and<br /> then, she {snapped}
the foot x ray which doesn’t show the fracture

smiling before the bad news
the full leg cast. deep sigh.
Thank for stopping by!! Have a wonderful Leap Day!! I will spending it doing some retail therapy online!!


WeeMason Man's Mom said...

That really sucks!! But I know I learned when my son was in a helmet (which he got too hot in and thus couldn't play outside hardly ever) that this time will pass faster than you could ever believe right now AND he'll never remember it. It will be much harder on you than him, but soon it will be a distant memory. Hugs to you!

Katherines Corner said...

oh what a shame, hugs all around. Happy WW.I hope you'll join us at the Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop linky party tomorrow.

Patti said...

Hang in there! Stuff happens to little kids but they come through.
I feel your bloggy mess since recently switching to Wordpress and redoing almost everything. Popped over from A Fresh Perspective.

CathQuillScrap said...

Having had a two year old in plaster for 2 months (8 years ago mind you!) I can safely say that they do adapt to it fairly quickly... but day two he was back to riding his bike!!! Only thing you really need to avoid is the sandpit. Good luck.


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